School for awakened dreamers

Every night you access a mysterious field of intelligence.
The School for Awakened Dreamers draws knowledge from ancient people and civilizations, esoteric traditions and recent discoveries of Neuroscience and Quantum Physics to help you gain mastery of your Dreaming and a deeper understanding of your full potential.


The School for Awakened Dreamers has been created by a group of lucid dreamers that have been successfully practicing the art of Dreaming in Damanhur for decades.

As a result of entering the School, people learn to guide their dreams and incorporating them into their daily life, to use practical tools to move through the Dream Territories in connection with the Laws that govern them and to develop the mastery of this extraordinary journey between dimensions.

We are looking for people that want to radically transform their lives and tap into one of humanity’s most ancient and powerful potentials there is: our Dreaming.

Are you ready to embark on the journey of into your Dreams?

School for awakened dreamers

1° Year

In order to dream it is necessary to awaken the awareness of the Magic that surrounds us in every moment and to push the boundaries that limit "reality" and ourselves. Every time we go beyond the conventions we become aware that Everything is possible and we access an extraordinary potential: the Sense of Dreaming. Energy is another fundamental ingredient to be able to dream, but in many different ways we unconsciously lose an enormous amount of energy every day.

The first year of the School for Awakened Dreamers focuses on energy recovery, which is then directed to our dreams to allow us to explore deeper and more complex dream territories. We will work on habitual behaviours that strongly affect our way of dreaming. We will access the Laws and Forces that govern "reality" and the territories of the Dreams. We will recall Synchronicity to create a domino effect of events that are aimed to transform ourselves, our dreams and our life.

This year lays the fundamental foundations to awaken our lucidity, open our perceptions and focus our attention and our actions to become true Dreamers.

Contents of the 1° Year

Who are we?

We are a group of lucid dreamers that has been training in the use of the power of dreams for many years. Our training takes place in Damanhur, where the ability to dream has been cultivated by collecting information and practices transmitted by civilizations for millennia and shamanic traditions from all over the world, combined with the knowledge transmitted by Falco Tarassaco, founder of Damanhur. From this research a School divided into three levels has been created, through which you can explore the ancient and modern knowledge of the power of dreams.


Damanhur is a Federation of Spiritual Communities founded in 1975 in the foothills of the Alps. It is an experience of research into the profound values of existence, conducted through exploration in every area: in the field of work, shared life, culture, art and the search for Consciousness and the subtle energies that guide the universe.

Free Consultation

If you are interested in the School, but have concerns or want more information, book a free consultation with one of our trainers!

Our dream instructors

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Formica Coriandolo

My passionate journey into the dream dimension began at the age of eight, when I started having my first lucid dreams. First as a self-taught person and then under the careful and expert guidance of Falco Tarassaco, spiritual guide of Damanhur, I deepened the infinite potential of dreaming. Art and Dreams have always been intertwined in my life: being self-taught I have created countless stained glass windows in the Temples of Humankind, learning that there are no impossible dreams. When he died, Falco left me the task of transmitting what he taught me about the Dream in thirty extraordinary, intense and magical years. Since 2013 I have traveled all over the world teaching the practices and knowledge gained so far and I am happy to be able to share the fruits of this extraordinary research with all of you.

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Caribu Sorbo

When I was a child, most of my dreams were lucid. Before falling asleep I decided what to do during the night: go play with a friend, fly at full speed over the rooftops of my city or explore woods and mountains. I knew I was "dreaming" and directed the dream adventures as I pleased. Since 2009 I have lived in Damanhur, a community where I have been involved in education, communication and I have deepened the study of human potential, in particular the art of dreaming. For some years I have been sharing my dream experiments in the online community 'Aware Dreamers'.

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Celastrina Calea

From an early age, dreams have been an integral part of how I see the world. In 2013, after a profound spiritual awakening, I started traveling to get in touch with ancient spiritual cultures, from the Himalayas to the Amazon, up until arriving to Damanhur, where I deepened my knowledge of the world of dreams. I am a lucid dreamer and together with other lucid dreamers I have developed effective techniques for awakening lucidity. I use my dreams to go beyond my apparent 'self' and explore its infinite possibilities.

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Aragosta Menta

Dreams have always preceded the great changes in my life, and since I was a child they have always aroused my interest and curiosity. At Damanhur I have deepened my natural talent in precognition and the potential of the dream journey, together with my other great passion which is theater. In recent years I have been part of research groups and trained both in the field of dreaming and in the theatrical one, until I became a trainer myself, aware of the numerous and profound connections that exist between these two areas.



420€ discount

First year price
2.520 €
Discounted price: 2.100€
(420€ discount)

9 places available

What's included:

➡︎ Collective Dreamers
24 video-lessons
1 webinar each month
VALUE: 120€

➡︎ 13 days in Damanhur
September 2/14, 2024
VALUE: 2.400€

Totale value: 2.520€
Discounted price: 2.100€
(420€ discount)

Room and board expenses are not included, but we will help you find accommodation to your liking.

If you are interested in signing up but cannot make the payment in one lump sum, don't worry.
Write to us at and together we will find the formula that best suits your needs.